Crafting Corn Chips

Tortillas or otherwise know by other names are usually used for tacos that have been fried and crisp like a corn chips. There can be many other versions. One of the gifts I received this past Christmas was a tortilla press. Previously, a DIY version I  from  made from wood, did not survive as the hinge of the handle broke under the pressure.  Most of the times I resorted to a rolling pin when making tortillas, or what I commonly refer to as corn chips. The difference between using a rolling pin and the press is like night and day. It makes the task easier and faster. It is a pricey item but the quality is such  that it will never need replacement. If I knew of the advantage of making tortillas with a press, I would have acquired one much earlier.

The actual recipe for corn chips (tortillas)  varies  lending itself to crafting however you like your tortillas. Flour is the main ingredient and can be all forms of white, corn, etc.  So far, finely milled corn flour, masa, gives the best results. Add water and that’s the basic recipe. One advantage when DIY corn chips is that the amount of salt added if needed can controlled to give a flavor that’s less salty and more corn flavor than a typical bag of purchased chips. White flour and water also makes a quick wrap for many meals.

Here’s one recipe as an example.

IMG_9525Using the press




It’s that quick.

How you cook your tortillas can vary also.


Baked in the oven.


Cheese, onion and garlic with red pepper.


Some variations I made


cooked on the griddle

Wraps  with chicken  and cheese fillings.


Not having posted in a while, less frequently than in the past, I’m researching recipes that would be different from former postings. Small  incremental changes over a period of time in my diet are a goal to complete.  NO WAY ! will I blog about healthy eating habits, exercise, and weight control, there are more than enough postings online to confuse you about food, vitamins, additives, beverages etc.
Eat Well !